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local case study



The 11.9 MWp project generates enough electricity to power 5,000 homes. Despite being located in a hilly area, the construction of the solar farm, which comprises 31,248 solar panels, took just over a year. Now operational, it is feeding green electricity into the national grid.

24 hectares
11.9 MWp of total output
5,000 homes supplied with green energy

local case study



Izumi Solar farm, japan, powering 5,000 Homes on 24 Hectares

The 11.9 MWp project generates enough electricity to power 5,000 homes. Despite being located in a hilly area, the construction of the solar farm, which comprises 31,248 solar panels, took just over a year. Now operational, it is feeding green electricity into the national grid.

24 hectares
11.9 MWp of total output
5,000 homes supplied with green energy
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