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Power Purchase Agreements for Asian Businesses

Meet your renewable energy needs with a custom-tailored solution from the experts

To overview

Solutions tailored around your needs

Do your company’s renewable energy demands outstrip what you can generate on site? An off-site corporate power purchase agreement (CPPA) could be the solution you need. 

We’re a global leader in helping businesses in Asia get a steady supply of clean power, delivered direct via the grid.

PPAs typically come in one of three primary contract structures:

  • In direct wire PPAs, corporate buyers take direct ownership of the electrons produced by a renewable energy project
  • With sleeved PPAs, intermediary utilities companies handle the transfer of money and energy to and from a project on behalf of the buyer
  • Finally, virtual PPAs are a type of price hedge. Companies and renewable energy projects agree a strike-price for power. The project sells the power into the local wholesale market. If that electricity is sold above the agreed price, the project pays the company the difference and vice versa

These options are ideal for companies who need to embrace renewables without tying up capital that’s needed for core business. They can be tailored around your needs, something we’ve been arranging for years.

In fact, BayWa r.e. set up Spain’s first subsidy-free CPPA, as well as the largest pan-European solar PPA ever. We’re now applying this expert global perspective to helping businesses across Asia meet their environmental challenges.

Why work with BayWa r.e. Energy Solutions?

By choosing to partner with us to meet your renewable energy needs, you’re gaining access to a global network of knowledge and experience. This is applied by expert teams who are intimately familiar with individual markets across Asia.

We’re backed by our parent company, BayWa AG, and our investment partner, Energy Infrastructure Partners AG. This gives us a secure financial position, making us the safest pair of hands to trust with your environmental ambitions.

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