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At BayWa r.e., Agriculture is Woven into our DNA

Harvesting the synergies of two sectors with Agri-PV

To overview

Agriculture and solar power: Together for our planet

Agri-PV combines food and sustainable energy production in the same area, without harming a farm’s production. BayWa r.e. are committed to preserving our natural resources and protecting soil quality.

We’re working to make agriculture more sustainable, helping adept to the effects of climate change and reduce human impact on our environment. To achieve this, we’re currently operating pilot projects in Asia and all over the world. We collaborate with farmers, landowners, chambers of agriculture and universities to effect change.

An Agri-PV system offers several advantages for your farmland:

  • Protection of crops

    Protecting crops from the climate

    Agri-PV solar panels protect crops from extreme weather. Because the panels are transparent, there’s no interference with plant growth.

  • Long-term cost savings

    A long-term solution that saves time and money

    Agri-PV replaces short-lived protection systems. Because its lifespan is far longer, it works out far cheaper and could let farmers pay less for hail insurance.

  • Reduced leaf wetness periods

    Better ventilation reduces the risk of plants disease 

    Because semi-enclosed Agri-PV systems provide good crop ventilation, they can significantly reduce the risk of disease. 

  • Efficient water consumption

    Water savings

    Agri-PV systems let you optimize the amount of water crops get. Shade from the panels also lowers water loss from evaporation and plant perspiration.

  • Easier harvesting of crops

    Easier harvesting

    Protection from Agri-PV panels can help lower temperatures below, optimizing fruit crop management and facilitating harvest times.

Work with the global Agri-PV experts

BayWa r.e. have the in-house skills you need to combine food and energy production. Our specialist network gives you in-depth knowledge and support in:

  • Land needs analysis
  • Feasibility studies
  • Agricultural diagnoses of land
  • Agronomic, technical and economic feasibility
  • Agri-PV project planning
  • Administrative permits
  • Turnkey construction
  • Financing
  • Operations and maintenance

Watch this timelapse construction of our first Agri-PV fruit farm installation in The Netherlands

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