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The 39MWp plant in Gebeng, Pahang, will generate enough electricity for 12,000 homes.  BayWa r.e. with the assistance of local partner RE Gebeng Sdn. Bhd. won the project in the second solar tender held by Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Malaysia’s Energy Commission in 2017. This is the first solar farm to reach commercial operation out of all the winning bidders, connected to the 132kV national transmission network. 

Construction on the complex project, which comprises almost 120,000 solar panels and more than 830 inverters, began in late 2018 and was completed on schedule at the end of 2019.

2019 Completion date
39 MWp of total output
12,000 homes supplied with green energy

local case study



Gebeng, a 39MWp Solar Plant Lighting Up Pahang, Malaysia

The 39MWp plant in Gebeng, Pahang, will generate enough electricity for 12,000 homes.  BayWa r.e. with the assistance of local partner RE Gebeng Sdn. Bhd. won the project in the second solar tender held by Suruhanjaya Tenaga, Malaysia’s Energy Commission in 2017. This is the first solar farm to reach commercial operation out of all the winning bidders, connected to the 132kV national transmission network. 

Construction on the complex project, which comprises almost 120,000 solar panels and more than 830 inverters, began in late 2018 and was completed on schedule at the end of 2019.

2019 Completion date
39 MWp of total output
12,000 homes supplied with green energy
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