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local case study



This was the first solar energy project for BayWa r.e. in Australia. We oversaw construction of the 20 MW project in central Queensland. In addition, ongoing operations and maintenance is provided. 

Facing a tight timeframe and a very remote site, we moved quickly to establish a team. Our project management teams in Melbourne and Bangkok combined their expertise with Australian contractors.

Hughenden in Central Queensland
20 MW of total output
6 months construction period

local case study



Hughenden Solar, a 20MW Project in Central Queensland

This was the first solar energy project for BayWa r.e. in Australia. We oversaw construction of the 20 MW project in central Queensland. In addition, ongoing operations and maintenance is provided. 

Facing a tight timeframe and a very remote site, we moved quickly to establish a team. Our project management teams in Melbourne and Bangkok combined their expertise with Australian contractors.

Hughenden in Central Queensland
20 MW of total output
6 months construction period

The Hughenden solar installation was purchased, developed and constructed in only a few months. Demonstrating our extensive expertise in project development and supply chain management, as well as our collaborative business culture and financial acumen.

The team worked closely with a supportive Flinders Shire Council and more than 100 jobs were created during construction.

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