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Construction of the 270-hectare Karadoc solar farm in northwest Victoria was completed in 2019. With 330,000 solar PV panels, the site can generate enough renewable electricity (112.5 MWp) to power 65,000 homes.

The Karadoc solar farm is only 6km from its sister project, Yatpool solar farm - 106.5 MWp.

Business energy retailer Flow Power and beer maker Asahi Beverages are offtake partners.

Mildura in Victoria’s north-west
112.5 MWp of total output
65,000 homes supplied by green energy

local case study



Karadoc Solar Farm powering sustainable growth in Victoria

Construction of the 270-hectare Karadoc solar farm in northwest Victoria was completed in 2019. With 330,000 solar PV panels, the site can generate enough renewable electricity (112.5 MWp) to power 65,000 homes.

The Karadoc solar farm is only 6km from its sister project, Yatpool solar farm - 106.5 MWp.

Business energy retailer Flow Power and beer maker Asahi Beverages are offtake partners.

Mildura in Victoria’s north-west
112.5 MWp of total output
65,000 homes supplied by green energy

Asahi Beverages Sustainability Manager Kirsten Sturzaker said at the time: “We have a history stretching back 180 years but if we want to be around for another 180 years we need to create a sustainable world and a sustainable business.

“This partnership powers our company in a sustainable way while reducing our power costs and securing our supply for the long-term."

Asahi Beverages make some of Australia’s most popular beers. They filmed an ad for their iconic VB brand at Karadoc. Check it out here

The Karadoc solar farm is a great showcase of BayWa r.e.’s ability to deliver leading renewable energy projects.

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